Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vegetables, not vitamins!

I am always amazed at the number of supplements some people insist on taking.  Lactose intolerant?  Calcium and vitamin D are appropriate to me.  But to pop a supplement in the place of eating REAL food is not the same.  As part of my New Year's "clean up", I'd like to eat more vegetables.  They're low calorie, high fiber, nutrient-loaded, disease-fighting foods.  See the article below if you don't believe me!  Here are a few ways to work more in.

1.  Pick up some frozen chopped peppers and onions.  Nuke them and toss them in your scrambled eggs, soup, chili or other dishes.
2.  Every Sunday (or when you have a chunk of time), cut up and bag individual vegetable servings for the week.  Keep them on hand to add to your lunch, or grab while you're running out the door.
3.  Opt for a salad as your appetizer and vow to eat one every time you dine out.  Limit the nuts, seeds, dried fruit and cheese if you're trying to prevent "muffin top".
4.  Go for seasonal produce.  Broccoli and carrots are available all year round.  Opt for asparagus come April and tomatoes and cucumbers in late summer/fall.
5.  Try some new vegetables! Would it kill you to eat one Brussels sprout?  Give peas a chance!  You just might like them.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! This Christmas at my parents' house, I gave peas a chance and found they weren't so bad. My mom had given me the choice of frozen peas or frozen mixed corn/peas/carrots... Neither choice appealed to me, but seeing as I HAD TO make a choice, we went with the peas. I was surprised that I actually liked them :)
