Lisa, I'm curious about the South Beach Diet and I didn't want to burst any balloons last night. When I attended a diabetes seminar a couple of years ago the person leading the group said the SBD was the worst diet for folks trying to keep their cholesterol at correct levels. In fact, my previous bridge partner (scum moved to Palm Springs!) ended up on Lipitor after trying the SBD. I'm just curious if anything has changed or if that is not now current....thanx...e
Thanks for the question. I think the SBD has worked for our buddy Bob because he needs a lower carb diet to get rid of abdominal fat. There is decent research to suggest a lower carb diet for people with more belly fat and insulin resistance.
I am wondering if your friend tried the Atkin's VS SBD? South Beach was started by a cardiologist in Fla and the diet is relatively low fat (despite being higher in protein). Atkin's on the other hand is ~80% fat and has been found to raise lipids.
Here is an article from the ADA that compared 3 diff. diets. I don't think SBD was bad for lipids:
Let me know what you think!
Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD
Co-owner/Nutrition Consultant
Sound Bites Nutrition, LLC
(513) 675-6780
Co-owner/Nutrition Consultant
Sound Bites Nutrition, LLC
(513) 675-6780