Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nutrition for kids

Q:  Hey Lisa,
I'm going over the food pyramid and healthy eating with my cub scout den tomorrow.  I've done a little research on-line and see that we use the MyPlate diagram instead of he pyramid.  Is that pretty much the standard now?  Also, any ideas for presenting this stuff in a meaningful way to 8 year olds?  I'm making cut outs of various foods and I'm going to make up a game to play.  I just don't want it to be BORING!
Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks!

A:  Thanks for your question.  The government switched from the Pyramid to the plate method some time last year (maybe March)?  The web site web site is pretty useful for explaining serving sizes, nutrients, etc.  It is the same information, just presented in a different style.  We eat from plates, not pyramids!
For 8 yr old boys, you might want to focus on the need to eat right to have energy to learn, get good grades, play sports, grow strong. 
You can break it down to food groups (carbs such as bread, cereal, fruit, pasta, rice) give your brain and body energy while protein (meat, fish, eggs, beans, peanut butter) help keep your muscles strong.  Milk needed for strong bones & teeth and to become taller!  Fruits & vegetables needed for a healthy heart and to prevent them from getting sick (good for immunity, etc).
Tell them sugar/soda and junk food/chips wear their bodies down, ruin their teeth and should only be eaten now and then.  Soda = obesity!  Advise them to choose healthy snacks- nuts/seeds, fruit, veggies + hummus, cheese/crackers, etc.
I would also encourage them to drink enough water- needed to cool their bodies off after sports, keep their heart/blood pressure in good shape, prevent them from fatigue/feeling tired, etc.
If I were there, I'd let you borrow my food models!  I've done games w/younger kids where I put them on a big table and then shout out "choose a fruit high in vitamin C" and the kids have to run up to the table and grab something (whoever gets it first wins a point for their team).

Best of luck with your program!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Q  I am trying to find some quick, low carb snacks to help maintain my blood sugar.  Any ideas?

A  Here's what I suggest:  light (low fat) cheese sticks, 2 Tbsp. nuts (any kind), pepper strips with hummus, a hard-boiled egg, grape tomatoes, baby carrots or celery sticks, or beef jerky.  All are low in carbohydrate.  Sunflower seeds, edamame or soy nuts are also healthy, low carb snacks.

numbness with diabetes

Q My husband was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and has been put on one medication Metformin HCL 500 mg.  He has lost 12 lbs. in exactly 1 week of changing what he eats (counting his carbs – no more then 30 carbs per meal) & he is walking about 1 hour each day.  He feels ok, but he is having some tingling in his toes and fingers plus he is always cold now.  My question is should this tingling and coldness be happening? 

Any suggestions for him?  He is a vegetarian does not eat anything that could have a face so no eggs, chicken, pork, fish or beef in his diet.  What is the best protein shake for a diabetic that is also a vegetarian.  He does eat milk products like cheese, milk & is loving cottage cheese with avocado & salsa.  It is weird that things I have suggested he eat in the past he is now eating and loving it.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this & thanking you in advance for any insight you can give us.

A  Thanks for your question.  It is possible that his numbness and tingling could be from diabetes (neuropathy from nerve damage). I am not a doctor, so I recommend he see his MD to diagnose what is wrong.

If he has been primarily vegetarian for a while, he could have a low vitamin B 12 level, which can cause the symptoms he has. B12 is only in animal foods, so his intake may be lower than most if he does not eat meat, etc. Ask his doc to check a level with his next blood work.

As for shakes for diabetics, Glucerna is one he can try that is designed for diabetics. Is he trying to put the weight back on? 

Shakes are used as meal replacements or snacks or as a supplement for weight gain.