Monday, December 6, 2010

peanut butter question

Q:  I'm trying to switch to natural peanut butter, but not sure which one is healthiest.

A:  Great question!  Peanut butter can be labeled "natural" if any or all of the ingredients are not artificial.  Most companies have removed unnatural trans fat from peanut butter and replaced it with natural palm oil.  Unfortunately, palm oil is a saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels.

The healthiest nut butters will have nothing but nuts or nuts + salt in them.  If your peanut butter has added molasses, cane sugar or palm oil, the sugar and fat content will likely be higher than nut butters with just nuts.  A few brands which contain "just nuts" include Krema, Smuckers Natural and Whole Foods peanut butter.

In most natural peanut butters, the oil will separate and rise to the top.  To make it easier to mix, turn the unopened jar upside down when you store it in your pantry.  Gravity will take over and some of the oil will go to the bottom.  Stir prior to using.

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